Trex RainEscape Downspout (Brown or Black)

Trex RainEscape Down Spout  Trex RainEscape Down Spout Trex RainEscape Down Spout Trex RainEscape Down Spout Trex RainEscape Down Spout Trex RainEscape Down Spout  |
Manufacturer: Trex RainEscape
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Designed to fit both 12" or 16" joist spaces, RainEscape Down Spouts are placed at the end of each deck bay.
Click Here for Installation Instructions
Need to know how many Down Spouts, Troughs and Caulk/Tape you need? Click the Materials Estimator below to find out.
Want a bulk pricing quote, or have a question about this product? Please feel free to email us at admin@deckdepot.com
Your Price: Starting at $34.91
Your Price: Starting at $157.33